Disassemble relative time semantics used last 7,000 years at the same time account for your personally evolving without ever exceeding series parallel position ancestrally here since conceived into a living part of the whole population alive this rotation so far incourding your previous 4 generaiton gaps and any generationgaps you conceived, children added, grandchildren added.
See humanity sustains spiritual misdirection, political social consensus, value to society, tyranny protecting resaonable doubt academically, artistically, economically, through hope, faith, charity given to those compromising their biological time away to die in character rather than survive eternally separated now in plain sight each rotation alive cradle to grave.
Evil is live spelled backwards. Devil is lived for the time always ignoring how one is alive 24/7 now.
All this can be done without harming those forced to comply with corrupted ideas governing one's ancestry for thousands of years. the universe heals itself by the perpetual balancing everything individually left existing so far.